Hey Dre,
Just went through today's discipline. You wanted to know about the changes that have happened, so here goes: I feel like I certainly have a different way of looking at things. I feel like I have been better about getting things done. The past few days it seems like I have had a ton of energy, but I'm really focused on channeling it towards things that will actually help me in life. I feel like I have been taking actions that are planting the seeds for a very large and prosperous tree; I can feel big changes coming, as well as big changes that have already taken place. I feel like I am more clear and focused on my goals, and eliminating anything that does not fall in line to the best of my ability. I can't wait until I have those days when I don't feel like getting up, performing, or doing whatever. At the beginning I told myself I wanted to be the most disciplined person in whatever room I walk into. I do have a long way to go, but I have only just begun the process of heating up the oven.
Also, you wanna know something interesting and exciting that I came up with? I got a mirror and I am going to hang it right on my door. This way I will have constant reminder that it is 100% up to me, and if I see something in myself that I do not like or in my environment or situation that I do not like, it is 100% up to me to do the actions to make those changes. Then I will ask myself, ok here is what I do not like; how can I fix this? How can I get myself to a point where I overcome this obstacle, or whatever the situation may be? I will also use the mirror to check up on my progress so that I can get myself to that person that I would want to follow, as you mentioned in Day 7. Oh, by the way, while we're talking about mirrors: I'm almost done with your book, The Mirror of Motivation, and it is excellent!
Until next time,