Selling is the oldest and highest-paying professional in existence. Sellers control their results, have no limit on how much they can prosper, get paid for what they produce, and can generally get their way in life. Sounds like a great gig.
So why are so many people averse to selling?
They have mindsets have been taught, adopted and ingrained into many minds. Minds of people who have less control over their lives than they should have. People whose limits are created for them, without their input. People whose success is subject to someone else's feelings or opinions.
All because they've been taught wrong (or not taught at all).
That's where The Seller's Mindset comes in.
This book is about the mindset of selling - not only for business, but for life itself. You will use what you learn here to earn commissions, build your own businesses, win debate team competitions, barbershop arguments, settle on favorable terms in negotiations, and generally get your way, period.