How To TRIPLE The Quality Of Your Thought Habits -- Without Being Corny And Cheesy
Ask yourself a better question by dre baldwin
Mental game expert and former professional athlete reveals The Secrets to Permanent mindset habits that are impossible to break 
How to Do Wonders with a small shift in Mental Game
Ask Yourself A Better Question: Change Your Questions, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life
The questions we ask ourselves determine our lives.

Our lives - material, emotional, spiritual, and financial - are a direct reflection of our thoughts.

Eighty-five percent of these thoughts are both habitual and unconscious. Meaning, we are asking and answering the exact same questions every day, usually in the same way over and over again.

And since these questions are habitual and unconscious, the first order of business is to become aware of the questions. Only then can we change them.

That is exactly what we’re doing with this book, Ask Yourself A Better Question.

The improved quality of your questions will lead to an improved quality of life. 

Let’s get started.
Author Dre "DreAllDay" Baldwin
High School Bench To Pro player in 5 years
Dre Baldwin sat at the end of his high school varsity team's bench as a senior. Just 5 years later, Dre started what become a 9-year professional basketball playing career, spanning 8 countries. 

Dre was the first player from his NCAA D3 school to ever play professionally. 

At the same time, Dre began publishing his training content to YouTube, creating a brand new genre of athletic training videos back in 2006. To date, Dre has over 7,000 videos published, over 134,000 subscribers viewing his content over 44 million times. 

Dre’s past clients include Nike, TLC, the NBA, Finish Line, Wendy's, Gatorade, Buick, Wilson Sports, and STASH Investments. 

Dre has given 4 TED Talks, written 22 books and created over 200 training programs for athletes, entrepreneurs and business professionals. His Work On Your Game Podcast has amassed over 1.6 million listens. A Philadelphia native, Dre lives in Miami.
See What Others Are Saying About The Mental Handbook
I am new to this podcast but omg I do not start my morning without this. Dre has an energy and directness that makes me reflect on my own actions and how I internalize what I take in in my day. Even if it’s just how I go through my daily tasks, Dre’s work always helps rewire my brain and just so better. Make sure to listen!! - Izzy
Dre keeps it real and pushes you to be the best in any arena you could potentially be in! He’s been a mental coach regarding my current situation; getting ready for my 4th MMA fight! Work on your game is not just motivation, it’s life changing when you apply it to your daily life! Thanks Dre! - Steve
I found Dre on Grant Candone Tv and I have to say this is propably the best podcast on how to improve your confindence & self-improvement I have ever heard. I'm not easily impressed. There is so much fluff out there on these topics. Everyone is trying in some way or another to be some type of life coach. Dre really breaks it down on how to improve yourself, your brand and your business. I was lacking the confindence in starting my own business and Dre defintely has given me the motivation to get out there and get things started. - Best
Listen Dre doesn’t just have all steer knowledge on hand, professional and real empirical information Dre pumps out. This is real talk” for this generation of motivated individuals whom wish to accomplish your dreams. It takes work, and Dre helps keep you heading to your goal. I want to be the best basketball player in the world, Dre has helped make that happen, I’m a lot closer to my gains. I’ve found Dre on YouTube, but I found content on more platforms such as apple. Dre thanks man. Working on my game daily. - DAS
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P.S. - If you're skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was: for just $15.97, you're getting Dre Baldwin's Ask Yourself A Better Question physically shipped FREE to the U.S.  
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