what every serious person ought to know about goal-setting and how to attack your goals
The Mental workbook by dre baldwin
It's A Shame For You Not To Live out your goals - When the mental workbook makes it so easy
How To bring all your visions to life happen by Learning a simple process In 30 Days
The Mental Workbook: your self-guide to becoming who you need to be for the life you want
This is the exact program I follow myself, to this day. I guarantee that it works. And I DEMAND that you follow it.  

The Mental Handbook itself wasn't enough. 
It's not enough to simply tell you how to build your mindset of Mental Toughness, Confidence & Discipline. 
Changing your life from the inside-out, starting with how you see YOURSELF, must be done by YOU. Nothing I say to you will have as much impact on your life as what YOU say to you.  
Which is why I created The Mental Workbook.  
Do you have goals? Do you work hard? Great.  
There's a whole other element to success, above these, that many people miss.   
Good News: I have the exact formula to using it.  
In The Mental Workbook, explain in detail how and why it works. I walk you through each step of the program. And I put you in position to do it yourself, not just reading or hearing about it. 
Author Dre "DreAllDay" Baldwin
High School Bench To Pro player in 5 years
Dre Baldwin sat at the end of his high school varsity team's bench as a senior. Just 5 years later, Dre started what become a 9-year professional basketball playing career, spanning 8 countries. 

Dre was the first player from his NCAA D3 school to ever play professionally. 

At the same time, Dre began publishing his training content to YouTube, creating a brand new genre of athletic training videos back in 2006. To date, Dre has over 7,000 videos published, over 134,000 subscribers viewing his content over 44 million times. 

Dre’s past clients include Nike, TLC, the NBA, Finish Line, Wendy's, Gatorade, Buick, Wilson Sports, and STASH Investments. 

Dre has given 4 TED Talks, written 22 books and created over 200 training programs for athletes, entrepreneurs and business professionals. His Work On Your Game Podcast has amassed over 1.6 million listens. A Philadelphia native, Dre lives in Miami.
See What Others Are Saying About The Mental workbook
"Though I am not completely through the Mental Workbook, I know that it is changing my life... I am taking action on them. I am doing the work. That is a revelation and I am glad that I invested a measly $30 in myself to get that great product.

The WOYG podcast and brand are critical to me and my taking action to be the best version of me. I'm new to DreAllDay since (whenever he was on donald's show). In that time I have come to consider him to be not only an expert on personal development and mindset training, but extremely effecitve with communication. He is an excellent speaker who is prepared. He writes his words and speaks them from his gut, not just his mouth. His products re-inforce action because they are published in such a way to allow white space for writing copious notes. His mental workbook combines all of the success principles that are time tested and shared by numerous authors and speakers and puts them into an actionable plan. The action is both creative to foster a fuller expression of the user; it is also specificly ordered and structured to instill discipline. It is an investment that the serious must make in themselves. This product is for the person who wants results. Full stop.
Kind Regards,

Curtis Rapp"
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P.S. - If you're skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was: for just $29, you're getting Dre Baldwin's The Mental Workbook physically shipped FREE to the U.S.  
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